Finished Size: 40” x 42”  

Abbreviations Used:  

st = stitch  

ch = chain  

sc = single crochet  

hdc = half double crochet  

dc = double crochet  

sl st = slip stitch  

trc = treble crochet  

dtrc = double treble crochet  

Materials Needed:  

16 ounces White Worsted weight yarn  

4 ounces Green Worsted weight yarn  

2 ounces Yellow Worsted weight yarn  

2 ounces Blue Worsted weight yarn  

2 ounces Lavender Worsted weight yarn  

2 ounces Pink Worsted weight yarn  

1 ounce Brown Worsted weight yarn  

Size G hook  

Stitches Used:  

Beginning Dc Cluster: Ch 3, make 2 dc in stich indicated, drop  loop from hook. Insert hook in 3rd ch of beginning ch 3, pick up  dropped loop and draw through ch. Cluster of 3 made.  

Dc Cluster: Make 3 dc in space indicated. Drop loop from hook. Insert hook in top of first dc of group, pick up dropped loop and  draw through st on hook to make a 3 dc cluster.  


Make 4 of each Pastel Color (Lavender, Yellow, Pink, Blue)  

Rnd 1: With Worsted weight yarn and size G crochet hook, ch 8,  join with sl st to form a circle. 

Rnd 2: Ch 3, 2 dc, in ring, ch 3. * (3 dc, ch 3) in ring. Repeat from *  around six more times. End with sl st to 3rd ch of first ch 3. (8 ch 3  spaces and 8 three dc groups.)  

Rnd 3: Sl st to first ch 3 sp. In sp make, ch 3, 2 dc. Ch 3, make 3  dc in same space. * In next ch 3 sp, make 3 dc, ch 3, 3 dc. Repeat  from * around. End with sl st to 3rd ch of beginning ch 3. 

Rnd 4: [Ch 1 sc in joining between 6 dc. ** (In next ch 3 sp make 5  dc, ch 3, sc in 3rd ch from hook - picot made, 5 dc.) Sc between 6  dc of previous round.* Repeat from ** to * around. Join to first sc  with sl st. End off and weave in end. Fold Butterfly in half with  picots held together. Sew down the center to hold together. 


Take 24” of Brown Worsted Yarn. Beginning at top of butterfly and  leaving a 2” tail, wrap the brown yarn around both thicknesses of  the butterfly 6 times to form a body. Tie the two tails together at the  butterflies top to create the antennae. Trim ends to 1”.  

Begin Square:  

Rnd 1: Join white to right bottom picot of butterfly with a sl st. Ch 1,  sc in same space. Ch 3, make (3 dc, ch 3, 3 dc) in sc between  upper and lower wings. 

Working behind butterfly, and skipping next picot of lower butterfly  base, ch 3 (sc, ch 3,sc) in sc between wings, to make corner  loop. Ch 3, in sp at top right of butterfly body, make (3 dtrc, ch 3, 3  dtrc) having a set of 3 dtrc on each side of antennae. Note: you will have  to create your own space on each side of the antennae by pushing your  crochet hook through all thicknesses.  

Working in sc between next set of wings, ch 3 (sc, ch 3 sc), to  make corner loop, Working behind butterfly, and skipping next picot  of upper butterfly base make ch 3, (3 dc, ch 3, 3 dc).  

Ch 3, in picot of bottom base of butterfly make (sc, ch 3, sc) for  corner.  

Ch 3, in space at bottom of butterfly body by body, make (3 trc, ch  3 , 3 trc) having a set of 3 trc on each side of body. Ch 3, sc in  beginning picot. Ch 3, join to first sc with sl st to form last corner.  

Rnd 2: Ch 1 turn. With wrong side facing, sl st into ch 3 space at  corner. Ch 3, make (2 dc, ch 3, 3 dc) in corner loop. **[(In next loop  make (3 dc, ch 3.)] two times. Make 3 dc in next ch 3 loop. In next  corner loop, make 3 dc, ch 3, 3 dc.* Repeat from ** to * around.  End with 3 dc in next loop, (ch 3, 3 dc in next loop) twice. Sl st to  beginning ch 3 to join.

Rnd 3: Ch 1 turn. With right side facing, sl st to 2nd dc of 1st three dc group. Ch 3 make beginning cluster. (Ch 2, make cluster in next  ch 3 loop, ch 2, make cluster in 2nd dc of next three-dc group) twice.  Ch 2, cluster in 2nd dc of next dc-group. (Ch 2, cluster in ch 2 sp at  corner) three times First Corner made.  

(Ch 2, make cluster in 2nd dc of next dc group) twice. (Ch 2, make  cluster in next ch 3 loop, ch 2, cluster in 2nd dc of next dc-group)  twice. Ch 2, cluster in 2nd dc of next dc-group. (Ch 2, cluster in ch 2  sp at corner) three times Second Corner made.  

(Make cluster in 2nd dc of next dc group, ch 2) twice. (Make cluster  in next ch 3 loop, ch 2, cluster in 2nd dc of next dc-group, ch 2) 

twice. Make cluster in 2nd dc of next dc-group. (Ch 2, cluster in ch 2  sp at corner) three times Third Corner made.  

(Make cluster in 2nd dc of next dc group, ch 2) twice. (Make cluster  in next ch 3 loop, ch 2, cluster in 2nd dc of next dc-group, ch 2)  twice. Make cluster in 2nd dc of next dc-group. (Ch 2, cluster in ch 2  sp at corner) three times Last Corner made.  

End with, ch 2, make cluster in 2nd dc of next dc-group. Ch 2, join to  tip of first cluster with sl st. End off white and weave in end. (40  clusters made, having 7 per side and 3 in each corner.) 

Rnd 4: Attach Green yarn with sl st in 2nd ch 2 space at any corner.  Make beginning cluster. Ch 2, Cluster in each ch 2 space around  making extra cluster, ch 2 in center tip of each corner cluster for a  corner cluster increase. End off to match pattern with a ch 2 cluster  in last corner cluster tip and ch 2 sl st into tip of first cluster. Cut  green yarn and weave in end. (44 Clusters) 

Rnd 5: Attach white with sl st in 2nd ch 2 space at any corner. Sc in  same sp. * (Ch 4, sc in next ch 2 space) 10 times. At corner make,  ch 5, sc in 3rd ch from hook for corner picot, ch 2, sc in next ch 2  space. Repeat from * around. End with sl st in beginning sc. End off  white and weave in ends.  

Joining Blocks to form Row: Hold two blocks together  with wrong sides facing each other. Attach white with sl st in any  corner picot of top square. Sc in same picot.; ch 2, sc in picot of  other square. Ch2, sc in next loop on top block; ch 2, sc in next  loop on bottom block. Continue in this manner until both blocks are  joined together from top picot to bottom picot. End off white and  weave in ends. Repeat this to make a joining row of 4 alternately  colored butterfly blocks following diagram. 

Joining Block Rows: Hold two rows together with wrong  sides facing each other. Attach white with sl st in edge corner picot  of top Block Row. Sc in same picot; ch 2, sc in picot of other Block  Row. Ch2, sc in next loop on top block; ch 2, sc in next loop on  bottom block. Continue in this manner until both Block Rows are  joined together from beginning picot to ending picot. End off white  and weave in ends.  


Rnd 1: Join white yarn in any corner picot. Ch 1, sc in picot, make  2 sc in same loop as picot. [** In next loop, make 3 sc.* Repeat  from ** to * until corner space. In corner sp, make (2 sc, sc in  corner picot, ch 2, sc in picot, and 2 sc in loop of corner.)] Repeat in  this pattern around, ending with: In last corner, make 2 sc, sc in  picot, ch 1, hdc into first sc to end first rnd. (This puts thread in  position for next rnd.  

Rnd 2: Ch 4, make trc, ch 3 in corner space. (Make 2 trc, ch 3)  three times in same corner space. Make 2 more trc in same corner  space ( Total of 5-trc groups in corner.) Skip 3 sc, sc in each of  the next 2 sc.  

{ ** Skip 3 sc, in next sc make [(2 trc, ch 3) twice and 2 trc.] Skip 3  sc, sc in each of the next 2 sc.* Repeat from ** to * until next  corner, (Note: you may have to adjust the number of stiches skipped from 3 to 4 on some sides to make the corner space. Just  make sure to keep work flat. Also be sure to have the same amount  of shells on each corresponding side.) In corner space [(make 2 trc,  ch 3) 4 times, and make 2 more trc in same space.] Skip 3 sc, sc in  each of the next 2 sc. ( Total of 5-trc groups in corner.

Repeat from { to } around ending with skip 3 sc, sl st in top of  beginning ch 4 at corner.  

Rnd 3: Ch 1, (sc in next trc) twice. (Ch 3, sc in each of the next 2  trc) 4 times. Ch 3, sc in next sc. ** Sc in next sc, (ch 3, sc in each of  the next 2 trc) three times; ch 3, sc in next sc. * Repeat from ** to *  around ending in pattern with sc in next sc and ch 3, sl st in  beginning sc to end rnd.  

Rnd 4: Sl st to first space. Ch 4, trc in same space. Ch 3, holding  back the last loop of each trc on hook, make 2 trc in same sp,  thread over and draw through all loops on hook (a 2 trc cluster  made). Ch 3, In next space make (2-trc cluster, ch 3, 2-trc cluster)  Ch 5 (for corner) In next space make (2-trc cluster, ch 3, 2-trc  cluster.) Ch 3, In next space make (2-trc cluster, ch 3, 2-trc cluster.)  

First Corner turned.  

Make a 2-dc cluster over the next two spaces [ ** In next space  make 2-trc cluster, ch 3, 2-trc cluster, ch 3. In next space make 2- trc cluster, ch 3, 2-trc cluster. Make a 2-dc cluster over the next two  spaces.*Repeat from, ** to * until corner. 

In next space make (2-trc cluster, ch 3, 2-trc cluster) Ch 3, In next  space make (2-trc cluster, ch 3, 2-trc cluster) Ch 5 (for corner) In  next space make (2-trc cluster, ch 3, 2-trc cluster.) Ch 3, In next  space make (2-trc cluster, ch 3, 2-trc cluster.)]  

Repeat from [ to ] in pattern around. End with sl st at top of  beginning ch 4.  

Rnd 5: Sl st to and into next space, ch 1, sc in same sp, ch 5, sc in  3rd ch from hook. Dc in same space.**In next space make (dc, ch 3,  sc in 3rd ch from hook, dc.)* Repeat from ** to * around. Ending in  pattern, sl st to beginning sc. Fasten off and weave in ends.  

Copyright by Sharon Santorum November 24, 2007  

(These patterns are for personal use only and should not be reproduced anywhere.)


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