
Showing posts with the label crochet blog

Advanced Treble Crochet Pattern - Milk Jug Yarn Holder

Milk Jug Yarn Holder Materials Needed: 1 gallon plastic milk jug – clean and free of stickers. Size H crochet hook. 2 ounces bright pink Worsted weight yarn. Scissors for cutting milk jug. Washable marker. Sharp thick darning needle, thick nail or Philips screwdriver to punch holes in milk jug. Preparing Milk Jug-this will take some time: Make sure milk jug is clean and free of stickers. With washable marker make a line around bottom of jug just below the handle. This is easiest done by holding the marker in your right hand and placing it on the jug where you want to start the line. Without moving the marker or your right hand, rotate the jug with your left hand around the marker until the line around meets. With sharp scissors, cut the milk jug on the line. Punching Holes: Use marker to place marks for holes about ¼” down from cut line and ½” apart. Try to make an even amount of dots. Using the sharp darning needle, and being careful to keep your fingers out of the way, punch all the